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get-flash-videos - issue #533

TF1/wat.tv doesn't work for me

Posted on Sep 11, 2013 by Helpful Horse

I've tried with last Github version. I'm not in France, so i'm using a proxy that i guess is working ok.

$ ./get_flash_videos -debug http://www.wat.tv/embedframe/123207nIc0K1110763771#TF1/videos/catchup/les-douze-coups-de-midi --proxy No plugins installed Using proxy server socks:// Trying to open plugin ~/.get_flash_videos/plugins/Www.pm Trying to open plugin ~/.get_flash_videos/plugins/Wat.pm Using method 'wat' plugin version 0.01 for http://www.wat.tv/embedframe/123207nIc0K1110763771#TF1/videos/catchup/les-douze-coups-de-midi Downloading http://www.wat.tv/embedframe/123207nIc0K1110763771#TF1/videos/catchup/les-douze-coups-de-midi -> GET http://www.wat.tv/embedframe/123207nIc0K1110763771#TF1/videos/catchup/les-douze-coups-de-midi <- 200 text/html; charset="utf-8" (12669): UTF8 on, non-ASCII, 12669 characters 12680 bytes -> GET http://www.wat.tv/interface/contentv3/10763771 <- 200 application/json; charset="utf-8" (1919): UTF8 off, ASCII, 1919 characters 1919 bytes -> GET http://www.wat.tv/servertime <- 200 text/plain; charset=UTF-8 (48): UTF8 on, ASCII, 48 characters 48 bytes Error: Couldn't do HEAD request http://www.wat.tv/get/web/10763771?token=3ffff8f9fd590fed74d5d7c85600de6b/52309801&context=swf2&getURL=1&version=WIN%2010,3,181,14: 403 Unauthorized access. at /Users/myusername/get-flash-videos/lib/FlashVideo/Site/Wat.pm line 55.

Couldn't extract Flash movie URL. This site may need specific support adding, or fixing.

Please confirm the site is using Flash video and if you have Flash available check that the URL really works(!).

Check for updates by running: ./get_flash_videos --update

If the latest version does not support this please open a bug at http://code.google.com/p/get-flash-videos/ making sure you include the output with --debug enabled. Alternatively, fix it yourself and send us a pull request on Github: https://github.com/monsieurvideo/get-flash-videos Couldn't download any videos.

Comment #1

Posted on Sep 13, 2013 by Massive Camel

Restored issue had been deleted automatically.

Does this work when using a browser? 403 reponse could be either proxy - some get blocked once found, or could be a sign-in is required. Needs someone who doesn't require a proxy to look at this.

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium