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functionalpeas - issue #1

Are you using functionalpeas?

Posted on Dec 9, 2006 by Swift Bird

If you're using functionalpeas, please could you let me know what you're doing with it, and whether you'd mind if I changed identifiers for things, etc.

This will help me to decide how often and what to commit, and possibly to provide automated refactors for when I do change anything. Netbeans has support for that.

Comment #1

Posted on Oct 10, 2007 by Happy Dog

Yesterday I've downloaded the peas and trying to make head or tail of them I wrote some Junit tests. Are you interested? That may help some poor souls to figure how to use that E.J (extra-java ;) thing.

And if I may make a suggestion about naming..

MaybeUtitility -> Maybes FunctionUtility -> Functions EitherUtility -> Eithers

.. well, this one is problematic, but not that much. In my copy I've already done the renaming. It's just too easy :) And I'd be interested to see how different is IO when done with Maybe-s.

And yet one thing; if you ever want a catchphrase, would you like "Functional Peas give you Well Typed Nothings"?


I'm attaching a Maybe test


Comment #2

Posted on Dec 27, 2010 by Swift Bird

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Status: WontFix

Type-Other Priority-Medium