Version 2.2.2 GA (11 nov 2010)
Bug fix:'>'>Issue 27 fixed.
Bug fix:'>'>Issue 28 fixed.
Version 2.2.1 GA (11 sep 2010)
- Bug fix:'>'>Issue 20 fixed.
Version 2.2 GA (08 mar 2010)
Bug fix:'>'>Issue 8 fixed (Hibernate Validator 4 compatible).
Bug fix:'>'>Issue 18 fixed.
Improvement: Messages Cache for Hibernate Validator Messages.
Version 2.1.3 GA (19 jan 2010)
Bug fix:'>'>Issue 10 fixed.
Bug fix:'>'>Issue 12 fixed.
Bug fix:'>'>Issue 13 fixed.
Bug fix:'>'>Issue 14 fixed.
Bug fix:'>'>Issue 15 fixed.
Version 2.1.2 GA (17 dec 2009)
- Bug fix:'>'>Issue 9 fixed.
Version 2.1.1 GA (15 dec 2009)
- Bug fix:'>'>Issue 7 fixed.
- New Feature: JDBC Connection Test by Hibernate Configuration file at Hibernate Manager Web Tool
- Improvement: Better performance at Hibernate Core Session and Transaction injection by Annotations (read about the new "hibernatePlugin.searchMappingsInsideJars" property).
Version 2.1 GA (20 nov 2009)
- Bug fix:'>'>Issue 4 fixed.
- Bug fix:'>'>Issue 5 fixed.
- Bug fix:'>'>Issue 6 fixed.
- Improvement: C3P0 Pooled Datasources are closed and destroyed when destroyFactory() method is invoked from com.googlecode.s2hibernate.struts2.plugin.util.HibernateSessionFactory
Version 2.0 Beta (21 oct 2009)
- Bug fix: Debug messages from plugin's Intercetors not displayed.
- New Feature: The Plugin's Hibernate Session Factory now can work with multiple database servers simultaneity (multiple Session Factories)
- New Feature: Dynamic search and configuration of Hibernate properties files (multiple Hibernate properties files allowed)
- New Feature: Auto Rebuild SessionFactories when an org.hibernate.exception.JDBCConnectionException occurs
- New Feature: Spanish messages (Thanks to Nacho Marijuan).
- Improvement: Faster algorithm for Session/Transaction Injection.
- Improvement: More and Betters debug messages.
Version 1.5 GA (27 aug 2009)
- Improvement: Objects with Session and Transaction targets (ie. DAOs) can be instantiated inside Action methods.
- Improvement: Better log messages for debugging.
- New Feature: German messages (Thanks to Johannes Geppert).
Version 1.4 GA (30 jul 2009)
- Bug Fix: Hibernate Core Sessions are closed and Transactions are rolled back when a unexpected exception is throwed by the Action.
- New Feature: The internal Hibernate Core Session Factory class now has a method to get a new Hibernate Core Session, NOT the Session of the current thread (HTTP request).
- Improvement: Better log messages.
Version 1.3 GA (09 jul 2009)
- Bug Fix: Wrong messages about Session and Transaction injection. Still doing the injection, sometimes the message "Target not found..." appears.
Version 1.2 GA (07 jul 2009)
- New Feature: Auto detect Hibernate Mapping Type. The Plugin detects if your project uses XML or Annotations mapping. hibernatePlugin.configurationType property is Deprecated. Not necessary from this version on.
- Bug Fix: When the tag used with the attribute executeResult="true" a NullPointerExpection is throwed.
- Bug Fix: Session and Transaction objects can be in superclasses (ie. a "GenericDAO") when using annotations
Version 1.1 GA (05 jul 2009)
- New Feature: EJB3 like access for the annotated Session and Transaction fields. Setters are optional now and used only if exists
- New Feature: Close session method can be configured for custom Session Factory class
- Bug Fix: Bug when test the connection for Oracle, MS SQL Server and Firebird/Interbase - thanks to Nacho Marijuan
- Better Hibernate Core Session Factory, using the Thread Local Pattern (
Version 1.0 GA (11 jun 2009)
- New Feature: Hibernate Core Session injection by annotation
- New Feature: Transaction injection by annotation
- Class change: The com.googlecode.s2hibernate.struts2.plugin.s2hibernatesession.HibernateSessionInterceptor in 1.0 Beta version now is com.googlecode.s2hibernate.struts2.plugin.interceptors.SessionTransactionInjectorInterceptor