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Foorum::Manual::Tutorial5 - Tutorial 5: How to write test cases For Foorum


Test, test, test!



We are not going to use Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst for this moment. Sure, I think we will add it later.

Model, esp. Schema

We are going to move all schema related code into ResultSet/ scope because it's easy to test without $c in Model/.

Some explanation in Foorum::Test under t/lib: * we use DBD::SQLite to test all schema function since it's very simple. ``` sub schema { # override live cache $Foorum::Schema::cache = cache();

# create the database
my $db_file = "$path/test.db";
my $schema
    = Foorum::Schema->connect( "dbi:SQLite:$db_file", '', '',
    { AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1 },

return $schema;

} * we use File::Cache as test cache backend. and with namespace: 'FoorumTest' sub cache { return $cache if ($cache);

$cache = Cache::FileCache->new(
    {   namespace          => 'FoorumTest',
        default_expires_in => 300,

return $cache;

} ```

with this two things, the test case wouldn't affect the product site.

filter_word.t code explanation: ```


use strict; use warnings; use Test::More;

Code Exp.

To be sane, we skip if DBD::SQLite is not installed.

BEGIN { eval { require DBI } or plan skip_all => "DBI is required for this test"; eval { require DBD::SQLite } or plan skip_all => "DBD::SQLite is required for this test"; plan tests => 3; }

Code Exp.

load Foorum::TestUtils to get schema and cache

use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; use Foorum::TestUtils qw/schema cache base_path/; my $schema = schema(); my $cache = cache();

Code Exp.

Test with Foorum::ResultSet::FilterWord

my $filter_word_res = $schema->resultset('FilterWord');

Code Exp.

to make test case moving smoothly, we just create some test data

After test case is done, we need remove those data


$filter_word_res->create( { word => 'system', type => 'username_reserved' } ); $filter_word_res->create( { word => 'fuck', type => 'bad_word' } ); $filter_word_res->create( { word => 'asshole', type => 'offensive_word' } );

Code Exp.

Make sure exist cache wouldn't affect our test cases.

$cache->remove("filter_word|type=username_reserved"); $cache->remove("filter_word|type=bad_word"); $cache->remove("filter_word|type=offensive_word");

Code Exp.

Check sub get_data in Foorum::ResultSet::FilterWord

my @data = $filter_word_res->get_data('username_reserved');

Code Exp.

ok what we get cantains the one we created.

ok( grep { $_ eq 'system' } @data, "get 'username_reserved' OK" );

Code Exp.

check sub has_bad_word in Foorum::ResultSet::FilterWord

my $has_bad_word = $filter_word_res->has_bad_word("oh, fuck you!"); is( $has_bad_word, 1, 'has_bad_word OK' );

Code Exp.

check sub convert_offensive_word in Foorum::ResultSet::FilterWord

my $return_text = $filter_word_res->convert_offensive_word("kick your asshole la, dude!"); like( $return_text, qr/*/, 'convert_offensive_word OK' ); #\ #/

Code Exp.

Make our DB as the same as before we run it. so that we can run it many times

END { # Keep Database the same from original use File::Copy (); my $base_path = base_path(); File::Copy::copy( "$base_path/t/lib/Foorum/backup.db", "$base_path/t/lib/Foorum/test.db" ); }

1; ```

View Esp. TT

Generally we don't write any test cases for TT. but if we want to write one, that's still possible.

check t/templates/wrapper.t ```


use strict; use warnings; use Test::More;

BEGIN { my $has_test_longstring = eval "use Test::LongString; 1;"; ## no critic (ProhibitStringyEval) $has_test_longstring or plan skip_all => "Test::LongString is required for this test"; plan tests => 2; }

use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; use Foorum::TestUtils qw/tt2/; my $tt2 = tt2();

my $var = { title => 'TestTitle', RSS_URL => 'httpRSS_URL', };

my $ret; $tt2->process( 'wrapper.html', $var, \$ret );

contains_string( $ret, 'TestTitle', '[% title %] ok' ); like_string( $ret, qr/application\/rss+xml(.*?)href\=\"httpRSS_URL\"/, '[% RSS_URL %] OK' ); ```


Like Foorum::Formatter or Foorum::Utils, we just write normal test cases as told in Test::More.

Example: (t/formatter/textile.t) ```


use strict; use warnings; use Test::More;

BEGIN { eval { require Text::Textile } or plan skip_all => "Text::Textile is required for this test";

plan tests => 3;


use Foorum::Formatter qw/filter_format/;

my $text = <

A simple demonstration of Textile markup.

  • One
  • Two
  • Three

"More information":http://www.textism.com/tools/textile is available. TEXT

my $html = filter_format( $text, { format => 'textile' } );

like( $html, qr/h1/, 'h1 OK' ); like( $html, qr/li/, ', OK' ); like( $html, qr/\http://www.textism.com/tools/textile OK' ); ```


Tutorial1, Tutorial2, Tutorial3, Tutorial4