
FoodForce Game 2

Hunger and poverty are two worms which are eating millions of people across the world. There are still lots of developing nations where poor people even don’t get one time meal. The solution to this problem is education. If people are educated and they know how to manage resources in critical situations then hunger can be reduced considerably.

Food Force II is an educational project to solve hunger crisis by collaborative, joyful and self-empowered learning. To curb hunger and poverty and at the same time to spread education is a very challenging task. This motivated us to come up with an idea of developing an application which is entertaining and at the same time educative. So we came up with Food Force II.

Food Force II is an open source educative game whose objective is to teach children that how they can manage resources in their villages. It educates children and teachers in a village on how to achieve self sustenance in a fun and non-intrusive way.

It is being built in Python which is cross-compatible on all types of Operating Systems like Windows, Linux and Mac. Apart from that, it will also feature on OLPC XO.

Project Information

  • License: GNU GPL v3
  • 22 stars
  • svn-based source control

Python OLPC WFP Game FoodForce UN StrategyGame Hunger Collaboration