
An alternative Maven site skin with rounded corners and code syntax highlight

The fluido-skin is an alternative Maven site skin with rounded corners and code syntax highlight.

Do you want to see how does it look? Check these projects pages: * Scale4J * Any23 developers guide * injectlet 2.1 * testnguice 2.0 * sparkle-g 2.0 * IpInfo * memOS2 1.1 * rocoto 1.0 * sli4j 1.0 * iBaGuice 1.0-SNAPSHOT

Using it it's quite easy: it is available on Maven central repository and all you need is just add the following XML snippet in your site.xml:

<project name="XXXXXXXX"> .... <skin> <groupId>com.googlecode.fluido-skin</groupId> <artifactId>fluido-skin</artifactId> <version>1.3</version> </skin> .... </project>

That's all, have fun with it! :)


From 1.2 release, artifacts are GnuPG signed, if you need to verify them you can download the public key from

Project Information

Maven site skin syntaxhighlight roundedcorners