firephp - issue #173
Doesn't modify User-Agent and when modified manually doesn't show profiler
What versions and operating system are you using?
OS: Win7 Firefox: 5.0 Firebug: 1.8.0 FirePHP Server Library: ZendFramework FirePHP Extension: 0.5.0
What is the problem?
FirePHP doesn't modify User-Agent. When modified manually server sends profiler data in headers but FirePHP doesn't show profiler information such as request data and DB requests
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Open console in FireBug 2. F5
What is the expected output?
What do you see instead?
Blank console
Please provide any additional information below.
Also pressing FirePHP > About shows in the console: [JavaScript Error: "@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1@nsIExtensionManager FAILED TypeError: Cc[cName] is undefined ("@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1","nsIExtensionManager")@resource://firebug_rjs/firefox/xpcom.js:27 ()@chrome://firephp/content/FirePHP.js:881 oncommand([object XULCommandEvent])@chrome://browser/content/browser.xul:1 " {file: "resource://firebug_rjs/firefox/xpcom.js" line: 32}] [JavaScript Error: "Xpcom.CCSV; No Components.classes entry for @mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1" {file: "resource://firebug_rjs/firefox/xpcom.js" line: 35}]
Comment #1
Posted on Aug 10, 2011 by Happy CamelYou need FirePHP Extension 0.6 on the client: http://www.firephp.org/HQ/FinalRelease.htm
Status: WontFix