What steps will reproduce the problem? either: * create a new extjs page, provide folder, namespace, class name, click Finish or: * load the File.ext file
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? The page should be opened and I should start working according to the user guide
Instead, i get an org.eclipse.swt.SWTError with details: Unhandled event loop exception XPCOM error -2147467259
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Eclipse Platform
Version: 3.4.2 Build id: M20090211-1700
running on linux
Comment #1
Posted on Nov 10, 2009 by Massive Bearthe errors came from the swt browser support because of firefox-3.5 which uses a newer xulrunner that the swt browser component is not compatible with. adding
to the eclipse command line solved the issue
Status: New