Hi all, Sorry for my english, but i'm french. since long time, i work on my website for our student. All on our site is free. We have created an application : LogEleec. this application (online) is based on SvgEdit : https://code.google.com/p/svg-edit/
you can see some exemple of our application here : http://forum.myeleec.fr/viewforum.php?f=92
Today, a lot of people use our application. But they would like to have an offline version. So i search an offline application to do it. We found your application EvolusPencil. All we search for LogEleec are in your application.
But we only need one more tool : We need to make some line, and actually 'line tool' is too complexe.
So my question is : Is it possible to make a new tool for draw simple line : Left clic mouse ==> change direction (90°) Right clic mouse ==> Stop line tool
Thanks for your help. Best regards
Status: New