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evoluspencil - issue #605

Not an issue, but not find any place where can I ask general questions!

Posted on Nov 22, 2013 by Helpful Bear

as I said this is not an issue..

pls guide me where to ask my question about how to ?

And also add a link on website home page about this place so other users can find it useful.

Here is my question, btw

how can I add the textual notes for the page like the one displayed here http://pencil.evolus.vn/images/android-app.png in the right corner. I have tried several things but not able to find which item from collection to use? Pls advise.

Comment #1

Posted on Nov 29, 2013 by Grumpy Hippo

I think this is an unique pencil tab image, including "tablet" frame, inner tablet page, right notes, and right workflow. All is "inside" job, i mean, probable there is no extra notes or workaround with this.

hope it helps


Comment #2

Posted on Nov 29, 2013 by Helpful Bear

Hi, thanks for response. I understand it well. Can you just inform, how to write multiple line notes likes the Medical Session Details and its corresponding notes?

Thanks once again.

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium