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europa-pso - issue #37

Object domains should contain entity keys rather than double-cast pointers

Posted on Sep 15, 2009 by Swift Hippo

Object domains are currently enumerated domains containing the addresses of the objects cast to doubles. This is untenable on 64-bit platforms because pointers can conceivably be larger than is accurately representable by a standard double. As a result, I suggest moving to holding integer entity keys in those domains and providing a method on Entity for getting Ids from keys.

Comment #1

Posted on Oct 16, 2009 by Grumpy Lion

The method already exists for getting the ID from key.

Comment #2

Posted on Dec 1, 2009 by Swift Hippo

Fixed in r5923

Status: Verified

Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-PlanDatabase Security Milestone-EUROPA-X