we're currently using an antlr C release from Jan-08, there have been numerous bug fixes/improvements since then. Let's upgrade to the latest stable release, which is available at : http://fisheye2.atlassian.com/browse/antlr/runtime/C/dist
Also, let's look into requiring antlr C as a pre-req (for developers, users should still get it packaged with the binary distribution), instead of making it part of the build, hopefully this will remove the need for the hack we added to make it work on 64-bit platforms. We'd need to harvest the antlr libraries and include them in the binary release.
we may also need to upgrade the antlr jar that we keep in our ext dir.
Comment #1
Posted on Sep 15, 2009 by Swift Hippo(No comment was entered for this change.)
Comment #2
Posted on Nov 24, 2009 by Swift HippoFixed this a while ago by making libantlr an external dependency.
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