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europa-pso - issue #21

Add support for Capacity Limits Profile to Resources

Posted on Sep 9, 2009 by Swift Ox

The current resource implementation allows the user to specify : - one [upperBound,lowerBound] interval for the initial capacity - one [upperBound,lowerBound] interval for the valid capacity limits on the Resource's level at any time

The user should be able to specify a capacity limit profile instead, that is, a set of tuples {instant,upperBound,lowerBound} that specifies the capacity limits over time. For instance, if we're modeling a person or a machine, we should be able to specify intervals where overtime is valid this way. To deal with situations like overtime, the current approach requires the user to come up with a max possible upper limit, then lower the limit with artificial activities to bring capacity down to "normal" levels. That workaround complicates modeling and app development and has adverse performance implications.

Also, it seems to be a cleaner modeling interface to have the user set the capacity at time 0 by a explicit fact in the initial state, instead of specifying it as "initialCapacity" in the constructor for the resource.

Comment #1

Posted on Oct 21, 2011 by Swift Ox

I believe this is the same as 142, which Javier is currently working on.

Status: Duplicate

Type-Defect Priority-Low Component-Resource Milestone-EUROPA-X