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europa-pso - issue #146

Resource Profile is out of date after quantity is set to singleton

Posted on Dec 9, 2011 by Happy Ox

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Run strips version of the Rover example 2. type showResourceProfiles() in the BeanShell console 3. the lower bound for battery is below 0 even though no flaws are detected

Mike and I tracked down the cause of this bug to the way profile deals with changes in the quantity variable (see FlowProfile::handleTransactionQuantityChanged): it computes an interval to update that only includes the temporal scope of the transactions involved. This works ok for reusables, since the net change outside of the transaction involved is 0. However, for reservoirs there may be a net change at the end of the transaction which will need to be applied from the end of the transaction to infinity. An easy way to see this: if the lower level for a Reservoir drops by 10 units at time 10, then the lower level for all the instants > 10 needs to drop by 10 units as well.

Comment #1

Posted on May 30, 2012 by Happy Ox

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Comment #2

Posted on Aug 25, 2014 by Swift Hippo

I've tried creating a test case for this (ResourceTest::testFlowReservoirWithConsumptionParameterSpecifiction) but have been unable to reproduce it simply. The strips version of the Rover example doesn't appear to be checked in anywhere or attached to the ticket, so I'm declaring this un-reproduceable, with an option to re-open should it come back up.

Status: NoRepro

Type-Defect Priority-High Component-Resource Milestone-EUROPA-2.7