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europa-pso - issue #115

Remember previous state when restarting java UI

Posted on Mar 14, 2011 by Swift Ox

When I restart (which happens more often while developing than it would for a 'real' user probably), I have to redo the step to 'Run as NDDL Model'. It remembered the latest file I used and started with that.

Before the recent refactor I didn't need to do that, which was nice. Now that I'm used to that, I'd love to have it work again. :)

I understand why this is more complicated now that I might have used more than one. I can't think of an easy way to get around that.

Comment #1

Posted on Mar 17, 2011 by Grumpy Lion

Hmmm... Can you elaborate?

Before the last change the model file, the config file, and the horizon were stored in the view between sessions. Now they are taken from the selected launch configuration. To restore the values in SolverView's fields I would have to relaunch an NDDL run session automatically upon Eclipse startup. It does not sound like a good idea. I am open to suggestions.

Comment #2

Posted on Mar 17, 2011 by Swift Ox

In the drop-down in the SolverView, as you say it used to be prepopulated with the previous X-initial-state.nddl file I had been using.

It would be cool if that could still work, but perhaps it no longer makes sense. What if the drop-down is populated with all of the options that were there when I last quit, but it starts with the Europa engine stopped - ie don't launch anything until I click the 'Start Europa' button for a given choice? That would be much easier than tracking down the initial state file, right-clicking and selecting Run as NDDL model.

Comment #3

Posted on Mar 18, 2011 by Grumpy Lion

Should work as requested now.

Status: Fixed

Type-Enhancement Priority-Low