
Minimalist, tiling window manager that aims to allow easy management of numerous windows from the keyboard

STATUS: The current stable release is 0.4.2 and can be downloaded here.

If you need help with the tarball see the instructions.

If you are interested in helping with development, check out our development instructions

Also please note that euclid is moving to a new home, please consider updating any links you have.

The following is for purely historical interest.

euclid-wm is a minimalist, tiling window manager for X11. It is designed to allow quick and easy management of numerous windows entirely from easy-to-learn, vim-like key-bindings.

Although there is a plethora of other tiling WMs, euclid-wm seeks to do two things in particular:

  • balance the ease of use common among automatic-layout tiling window manager with the flexibility of manual layout WMs.

  • create a useful way to handle minimized applications.

Some features: * small, ``` $ ps -o comm,vsize,rss,trs,drs,cputime -C euclid-wm COMMAND VSZ RSS TRS DRS TIME euclid-wm 3184 1096 25 3158 00:00:00

``` (as of 0.1.0). * completely keyboard controlled, no need to reach for the mouse . . . ever. * a per view/workspace stack that manages minimized/unmapped windows. * handles fullscreen for most apps, (at the moment flash is an exception, but there is an easy workaround) * simple (non-XML) configuration file * easy manual layout (position and resize windows with vim-style keybindings) that enforces no-gap tiling (windows are automatically resized to fill gaps or empty cells) * no floating layer, (this is a feature) * plays nice with dzen or similar external apps that set overrideredirect or write directly to root (see the config file for more) * on the fly reloading of settings (keeps your layout intact)

For a bit more, check out the wiki, look at some screenshots or just checkout the code and see for yourself.

If you are are using euclid please consider joining the mailing list to keep up on this project (It isn't high volume, I promise.) You can also subscribe to the feed.

The development version is available via svn (see the instructions) and the latest stable is available as a tarball. For Arch users it is also available from AUR. (A big thanks to BKLive for maintaining it).

euclid-wm is not related to any other project named "euclid" that is not an X11 window manager.

Project Information

tilingwindowmanager X11 vimkeybindings C Xlib