Another eralng socket.io server
1. socket.io server base on cowboy
Checkout url: https://erlang-scoketio.googlecode.com/svn/socket.io_cowboy
Now Compatible with socket.io-spec(https://github.com/LearnBoost/socket.io-spec) 1.0
Support xhr-polling/jsonp-polling/htmlfile/websocket/flashsocket transports
Support CJK language.
2. socket.io server base on mochiweb
Checkout url: https://erlang-scoketio.googlecode.com/svn/socket.io_mochiweb
Now Compatible with socket.io-spec 1.0
Only support xhr-polling/htmlfile/jsonp-polling
Now stop update it.
3. run one demo
Go to http://code.google.com/p/erlang-scoketio/downloads/detail?name=socket.io.zip page
4. how to start your new project
a. download the source, or svn checkout b.#chmod a+x ** c.#make app PROJECT=your project name PREFIX=you path here(eg: #make app PROJECT=chatdemo PREFIX=/home/yongboy/)
d.entry your custom path, then #make e.#sh start.sh f. view http://yourip:8080/index.html enjoy it~ ####**Then download it step by step.
If you want java version socket.io server, here is the project: http://code.google.com/p/socketio-netty/
Enjoy it~
Erlang 版本的socket.io服务器实现
1. 基于cowboy构建
检出地址: https://erlang-scoketio.googlecode.com/svn/socket.io_cowboy
兼容 socket.io-spec(https://github.com/LearnBoost/socket.io-spec) 1.0
2. 基于mochiweb构建
检出地址: https://erlang-scoketio.googlecode.com/svn/socket.io_mochiweb
兼容 socket.io-spec(https://github.com/LearnBoost/socket.io-spec) 1.0
3. 运行一个示范
到此下载示范文件http://code.google.com/p/erlang-scoketio/downloads/detail?name=socket.io.zip ,按照步骤执行即可。
4. 如何开始
a. 想法检出源代码 b.linux下执行 #chmod a+x **赋予执行权限 c.#make app PROJECT=工程名 PREFIX=保存路径(eg: #make app PROJECT=chatdemo PREFIX=/home/yongboy/)**
d.进入项目的保存路径,然后执行 #make 即可下载依赖、编译程序等 e.启动服务器 #sh start.sh f. 然后访问 http://yourip:8080/index.html 希望您会喜欢
Project Information
The project was created on Sep 13, 2012.
- License: Apache License 2.0
- 6 stars
- svn-based source control