What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. shut down EeeDora or reboot EeeDora 2. on next boot an fsck is forced as the / filesystem wasn't cleanly unmounted 3.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Well - No forced fsck...
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? 2008-01-25
Please provide any additional information below.
Comment #1
Posted on Mar 4, 2008 by Quick RabbitSame error, except in my case it often corrupts the system so badly (cloned/crosslinked inodes) that the whole install is borked. If anyone figures this out, please let us know. Eeedora is perfect until I reboot.
Comment #2
Posted on Mar 7, 2008 by Helpful CatIs this is for an install on the Internal Drive /dev/sda1 ?
Do you get the same fsck problem if you (a) boot the Eee, (b) immediately shut-down the Eee (without opening any files, etc, in between) ?
As far as borking the volume goes, the ext2 filesystem is less resilient than the more typical ext3 (but we need ext2 to avoid wearing out the flash drive).
Comment #3
Posted on Apr 25, 2008 by Quick HorseSame for me, eeedora is installed on an external 8GB SD card mapped to /dev/sda in the BIOS (the internal SSD is unmodified). I have /dev/sda1 as / with no other mounts apart from a 520MB swap partition /dev/sda2.
The initial fsck always finds /dev/sda1 was not cleanly unmounted, despite the fact that an e2fsck at the end of /etc/init.d/halt (just before the final poweroff) claims it is clean.
This suggests it is some kind of driver/caching problem for the builtin SD reader. I've added
hdparm -r 1 /dev/sda
to /etc/init.d/halt after the root filesystem is remounted readonly and this seems to have stopped the problem so far. I don't whether it is actually safe to recommend that generally.
Comment #4
Posted on Apr 25, 2008 by Quick HorseOk, this may not be the answer I've just hit an fsck after about 5 on/off cycles, but it's no longer doing it every time.
Comment #5
Posted on Apr 25, 2008 by Quick HorseMy BIOS clock was going back 1 hour on each reboot, causing the last mount time to be in the future and triggering an e2fsck.
Comment #6
Posted on Jun 27, 2008 by Helpful Cat(No comment was entered for this change.)
Status: Invalid