Androiddraw cannot handle spinners ordate/time pickers
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Set up AnDroidDraw as per web page 2. design any layout which contains spinner or date or time picker not matter how embedded or not(have not checked gallery or some other widgets - textviews,edit,autocomplete, tables,rowsbuttons,checkboxes all work) 3. Generate xml and download to gui
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? simple spinner on absolute layout - instead - blanks screen and eventually after long wait error box 'Android.ParseActivity in not responding Force Close or wait - waiting produces no result -
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? latest version downloaded of AnDroiddraw and vr1b18 on windows 7 using HTC wildfire
Please provide any additional information below.
Status: New