
A generic REST interface for Django


The Django REST interface makes it easy to offer private and public APIs for existing Django models. New generic views simplify data retrieval and modification in a resource-centric architecture and provide model data in formats such as XML, JSON and YAML with very little custom code.

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Installation & Setup

Step 1: Checkout from Subversion:

svn checkout django-rest-interface

Step 2: Add the django-rest-interface directory to your PYTHONPATH.

Step 3: Add these lines to your

from django_restapi.model_resource import Collection from django_restapi.responder import XMLResponder

Step 4: For every model you want to be part of the API, create a Collection instance in (see more elaborate examples):

mymodel_resource = Collection( queryset = MyModel.objects.all(), responder = XMLResponder() )

Step 5: Add the resource to your URL patterns:

urlpatterns = patterns('', # ... url(r'^xml/mymodel/(.*?)/?$', mymodel_resource) )

Voilà! Your XML API is ready at http://yourhost/xml/mymodel/.


Andreas Stuhlmüller

Project Information

django rest soc python