
An implementation of the Picasa Web Albums API for use in Django websites


|Note:|This is an inactive project that was made mostly obsolete by the continued development of django-syncr. This project is in the process of being combined with django-picasa to become a reference implementation of Picasa as a photo app backend using django-syncr. The working copy of the combination can be found on the project's Bitbucket page. The django-picasso project will likely be deleted from Google Code in the near future.| |:--------|:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|


I love Google's Picasa desktop application, and the ability to upload photos to the Picasa Web Albums site using the app is extremely useful. When I built my personal website using Django, I wanted a way to use Picasa Web Albums as a backend for my photos section so that I could take advantage of the easy uploads. I couldn't find a Django pluggable app that fit what I was looking for, so I decided to go ahead and make one using the Picasa Web Albums API and the GData Python client.


Django-Picasso is a relatively simply way to synchronize data from the Picasa Web Albums API into your local database and use it in your web application. It does this using a script that integrates the GData Python client and a set of Django models. This script can be called from the custom management command that I built and run from a cron job, or for more flexibility it can be imported and run directly from picasso.utils. The script does not import the actual picture files - it saves links to the pictures hosted on the Picasa Web Albums site.

If you find this project useful and modify it to add features, please consider sharing those enhancements by adding a patch to an issue ticket. I'll review and apply the enhancement to the trunk so that it can be shared with the community. Thanks!


Django-Picasso requires the GData Python Client, which can be downloaded here.

Debian/Ubuntu users: I tried to install the python-gdata package from apt-get, but it did not provide the same functionality. I wasn't able to import, which is what I use in the utility script. I had to install the python client using the link above and the included script.


Installation is detailed in the wiki.

Project Information

django picasa web albums photo gallery