Deepsplink is an actionscript 3 framework which provides easy to use out of the box support for deeplinks.
deepsplink is an actionscript 3 framework aimed at the experienced developer. It helps to develop flash applications with full deeplink support in a very short amount of time. Building such applications manually demands a lot of savy. Just look at some flash sites which support the deeplinks and the browser back button and see what happens if you quickly click it five times...
Because of all the asyncronous stuff going on in the average flash page/application (like loading and transitions) it is a complex task to always maintain valid state and handle a quick succession of page changes gracefully.
deepsplink provides a clean infrastructure for any application which can be generally arranged into pages. If you read 'page' you probably think of html pages, which are pretty much alike deepsplink pages exept that deepsplink pages can be nested and often contain asynchronous operations. These asynchronous operations are chained if a new page is requested. This results in fluid transitions between pages regardless how deep they are nested.
deepsplink pages can also be parametrized like html pages and thus may enter various deeplinkable states. These nestable, parametrizable asynchronous pages offer a lot of flexibility in application design but they don't meet every requirement. For instance: you wouldn't want (or need) to force a desktop-like application (for instance photoshop) into a deeplinkable page structure.
But the average flash page/application benefits a lot from the kind of structure deeplink advises as it solves some of the main arguments against flash websites: SEO, browser back button and bookmarks.
Checkout the QuickStart tutorial.
- Yields flexible loosely coupled application design
- a concise public API makes deepsplink simple to learn and use @see API docs
- facilitates concise client code
- Provides decent asyncronous page transitioning for infinite nested pages with various strategies to control the transitions from page to page
- Supports deeplinks for popups inside the flash application
- Support for parameterized pages ala someurl.com/#home?id=1&name=test
- Enables to inject dependencies into pages
- Offers Interceptors to hook into the page request cycle to manipulate page requests
- Support for "protected" pages (user authentication)
- Offers Processors to track what pages have been visited
- Leverages swfobject and swfaddress, two well known and tested open source projects, but offers the flexibility to use other libraries
- Provides default navigation logic implementations for convenience
- Integrates well with splinkresource for multilanguage sites
- Allows programatic or external xml configuration
- is easily customizable. You can replace the default with your custom implementations or only use a subset of the framework.
- is hard to misuse: internal stuff is kept internal, implementation details are kept from the client, only classes and methods which are designed for inheritance allow extension or overriding.
Project Information
- License: Apache License 2.0
- 5 stars
- hg-based source control