Create Database Schema By Diagram
==This software it is a thesis in computer engineering of Mahanakorn University Of Technology===
implements with java SE and MVC Design Pattern. for connect to Oracle 10gUsing Java...
Using MVC...
http://nine69.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/1245c6556fb057624bd4dada4601fcc0.png' />
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-q4v8G_slMfo/TWOl_tF4QfI/AAAAAAAAAHE/C6ifL6h60ms/s1600/ss3.jpg' />
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_9OhVhO6VWAA/TXskp1iAvOI/AAAAAAAAAJE/rQ6h7nle0_0/countLineOfCode.jpg' />
Show relationship between entity by Crow's Foot NotationFeature
1. Create entity schema 2. Generate SQL DDL from diagram 3. Generate SQL DDL from diagram and Create into Oracle Database 4. Save/Open diagram(.lek) 5. Export DDL save to file(.txt) 6. Print Diagram to printer 7. Show/Snap Grid(optional) 8. Theme packagehttps://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_9OhVhO6VWAA/TW9Bo019auI/AAAAAAAAAHc/nHl63FmMU2I/P1103030705569.jpg' />
Author : Mr. Kreangsak Nichamnan
Student ID : 5011110445
Faculty : Computer Engineering
From : Mahanakorn University Of Technology
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_9OhVhO6VWAA/TXOckZCm6DI/AAAAAAAAAIo/Kvj7EV6CzUg/mut.jpg' />
Project Information
- License: Eclipse Public License 1.0
- Content License: Creative Commons 3.0 BY-SA
- 1 stars
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