What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. cd ruby 2. cmake . 3. make
I expect to get ruby/chipmunk.so. Instead I see:
chipmunk/ruby/ext/rb_chipmunk.c:24:22: error: chipmunk.h: No such file or directory
Using chimpunk r209 on gentoo linux
uname -a: Linux 2.6.30-gentoo-r2 #2 SMP Wed Aug 5 22:58:00 EDT 2009 i686 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9500 @ 2.60GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux k
Patch (svn diff) to CMakeLists.txt that fixed is attached.
Comment #1
Posted on Jul 30, 2010 by Happy GiraffeSorry for the blast from the past. I've been unintentionally avoiding the issue tracker, but I figured I should give the issues some closure.
I'm sure you've probably figured it out by now if you are still using Chipmunk. When compiling the Ruby ext using CMake you do the following: cmake -D BUILD_RUBY_EXT=ON . make ruby_ext
Status: Fixed