
An object-oriented software toolkit for chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and transport processes.

Cantera is a suite of object-oriented software tools for problems involving chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and/or transport processes. It is a C++ based code with interfaces for python, matlab, C, and fortran 90.

With Cantera's object technology, you assemble your architectural masterpiece (i.e application program) from a set of very special bricks you pick up at the Cantera quarry! Each "brick" (or object) represents some well-defined small component of the global structure.

Cantera 2.1.1 is now the release. Tar files and windows binaries may be found at

It includes a build system based on scons, a python build environment. Cantera includes several new thermodynamics and transport classes, including a large database of aqueous thermodynamics. The latest development version may be downloaded as the trunk version of cantera from this site. Documentation for Cantera is available at the following link.

Some of the types (or classes) of objects Cantera provides represent

  • phases of matter
  • interfaces between these phases
  • reaction managers
  • time-dependent or steady reactor networks
    • IC engine models
    • CSTR reactor network
  • One-dimensional flows
    • Burner-stabilized flat flames
    • Air plasma formed behind the bow shock on a re-entry vehicle during re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere
    • Adiabatic propagating flat flames

Some of the areas where Cantera is used currently:

  • Combustion
  • Flames Structure
  • Detonations
  • Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage
  • Fuel Cells
  • Batteries

  • Aqueous electrolytes

    • Thermodynamics of brines
    • Electrode reactions in aqueous environments
  • Plasmas

    • Atmospheric-pressure thermal plasmas
    • Low-Pressure DC, RF, and Microwave Plasmas
    • Laser-Created
  • Thin Film Deposition

    • Chemical Vapor Deposition

Project Information

solarenergy thinfilmgrowth