Moved to github http://github.org/wesgarland/bravojs
BravoJS is an implementation of an unratified proposed draft for CommonJS Modules/2.0
The current draft this code is based on is located at http://www.page.ca/~wes/CommonJS/modules-2.0-7/
The proposal attempts to address several issues * Modules/1.1.1 compatibility guarantees * Minor Modules/1.1.1 spec bug fixes * Formalizing the CommonJS environment * Defining a wrapped module format * Defining a formal way to specify explicit dependencies * Defining a way to lazy-load modules (similar to require.async) in the base-level specification * Defining cross-platform hooks which can be used by future work (including transports, packages, mappings) * Recommendations for platform-dependent bootstrapping
Caveat User: This version of BravoJS is based on an early draft of an unratified CommonJS specification. This means that using this product as it stands today will most likely lead you to writing modules which are not compatible with any other CommonJS platform.
Package-aware Fork
Christoph Dorn is working on a fork of this project which adds CommonJS package/mappings capabilities, implemented around the PINF loader. The announcement is here: http://groups.google.com/group/commonjs/browse_thread/thread/da10667d667a2a3a, along with some useful URLs.
If you are an existing BravoJS user and want to try out Christoph's changes, you can pull from https://christoph-bravojs-packages.googlecode.com/hg/ right into your existing BravoJS repository. Don't forget to hg update!
Project Information
- License: MIT License
- 8 stars
- hg-based source control