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boblight - issue #50

Devices232.cpp: Add SEDU prefix

Posted on Sep 13, 2012 by Happy Rhino

Hi Bob,

Can you add this sedu-prefix to devices232.cpp ?

if (type == SEDU) { m_prefix.push_back(0xA5); m_prefix.push_back(0x5A); m_postfix.push_back(0xA1); }

And: #define SEDU 10 to device.h

This is for the sedu-ambilight. Thanks! http://www.ledstyles.de/ftopic19607.html

Comment #1

Posted on Sep 14, 2012 by Quick Cat

Added in r448. You can use:

device sedu

in boblight.conf now to get this prefix and postfix.

I do wonder why on earth the person on that forum is modifying boblight code when you can set a custom prefix and postfix if you use the momo protocol.

Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-Medium