What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. make a plugin that uses images 2. run the script 3. note the disturbing lack of images in your output.
Comment #1
Posted on Feb 28, 2008 by Happy RhinoChris,
Should work now; give it a spin.
I recommend that, for each plugin that you have, assets (icons etc) are in folders that are plugin-specific to ensure no files get overwritten (if you had two icons of the same name, both in an icons directory, for example)
Comment #2
Posted on Mar 8, 2008 by Helpful CamelI use the Blueprint .7.1 compressor with the following input:
$ tree .
Blueprint 0.7.1/
|-- blueprint
| |-- ie.css
| |-- plugins
| | |-- buttons
| | | |-- Readme
| | | |-- icons
| | | | |-- cross.png
| | | | |-- key.png
| | | | -- tick.png
| | |
-- screen.css
| | |-- fancy-type
| | | |-- readme.txt
| | | -- screen.css
| |
-- link-icons
| | |-- Readme
| | |-- icons
| | | |-- doc.png
| | | |-- email.png
| | | |-- external.png
| | | |-- feed.png
| | | |-- im.png
| | | |-- pdf.png
| | | |-- visited.png
| | | -- xls.png
| |
-- screen.css
| |-- print.css
| |-- screen.css
| -- src
| |-- forms.css
| |-- grid.css
| |-- grid.png
| |-- ie.css
| |-- print.css
| |-- reset.css
-- typography.css
Then I executed compress.rb ($ ruby compress.rb -p project1 > compress.log). As you
can see in the attached logfile (compress.log) the plugins are used. I can also find
the plugins in my new screen.css file. Tough there are no icons in that same folder!
Was this enhancement included in the .7.1 release?
- settings.yml 162
- compress.log 1.76KB
Comment #3
Posted on Mar 11, 2008 by Happy Rhinoa.vannatijne,
This has been fixed as of the latest (trunk) version of Blueprint (r470). The URL to check out trunk is
Good luck!
Status: Fixed