In AutoKey I have a folder titled "Date" with the abbreviation "tdy". Inside I have 4 scripts, each output a slightly different variation of todays date.
Folder: Date [Abbr. tdy]
1. Date - File
output = system.exec_command('date +"%Y-%m-%d"')
2. Date - Abbrev
output = system.exec_command('date +"%D"')
3. Date - Short
output = system.exec_command('date +"%B %d, %Y"')
4. Date - Long
output = system.exec_command('date +"%A, %B %d, %Y"')
It would be handy if when the menu popped open, I could select 1 of the 4 scripts with another shortcut, like "4" or "L" for "Date Long". As of right now, I have to arrow down multiple times or use the mouse to select the last item in the list. It would be a bonus if the popout menu could underline or highlight "4" or "L" in case I forget what I assigned as the shortcut
Comment #1
Posted on Nov 14, 2011 by Swift BirdWill be in the next release
Status: Fixed