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autokey - issue #114

Memory leak with Autokey under Ubuntu

Posted on Apr 17, 2011 by Massive Bird

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Start AutoKey. 2. I've configured 10 to 12 Phrase items in Autokey. 3. I use few keys frequently around 100 times a day. 4. Next day, I could see from 10MB (when it started) and AutoKey goes to 100MB.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? I'm not sure. Is it normal to see AutoKey goes to 100MB from 10MB after a day ?.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? AutoKey (GTK UI) 0.71.2 OS : Ubuntu 11.04 Beta 2

Please provide any additional information below.

Comment #1

Posted on Apr 17, 2011 by Swift Bird

It's not normal, we have seen this issue in the past but nobody seems to be able to reproduce it reliably. Which interface are you using in AutoKey (Record or XEvdev)?

Comment #2

Posted on Apr 17, 2011 by Massive Bird

What Record/XEvDev means,

I added a folder and added 15 phrase items and 12 item has keyboard shortcuts and 3 ha Abbr. I use most of them. All of them are meant to used within terminal. (i.e ps aux | grep , build, clean, copy , etc). Since i used often with my company build machine to do daily development activities using quick access via Autokey.).


Comment #3

Posted on Apr 18, 2011 by Massive Bird

lnx:~$ ps -p 1727 -o "%t" ELAPSED 19:41:11 lnx:~$ ps -eo pmem,pcpu,rss,vsize,args | sort -k 1 -r -n | more 3.8 0.0 149556 240644 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/autokey-gtk

It went upto 130MB now after running for 19 hours.

Comment #4

Posted on Apr 18, 2011 by Swift Bird

Under Edit->Preferences->Interface which option is selected?

Comment #5

Posted on Apr 18, 2011 by Massive Bird

X Record.

Comment #6

Posted on Apr 24, 2011 by Helpful Hippo

I have been using autokey-gtk recently and I killed it when it had 1.5 Gig of virtual space. (I did a google search and found this page)

Restarted autokey-gtk and it is 396m(virt) 38m (res).

My settings: Edit->Preferences->Interface = X EvDev (by default for 10.04 ubuntu for me).

Plus, I have only a few added scripts and hotkey strings.

As a test, w/o invoking any hotkey: 396m (virt) 38m (res) : fresh after relaunching the application.

Then I do a few keys that just fire up the python scripts to invoke wmctrl to switch windows, see below for an example.

As a test I did 20 times: the script that does: cmd_array = "wmctrl -i -a 0x050000a0 ".split() p = subprocess.Popen( cmd_array, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) retCode = p.wait() and did 10 times: some simple expander hotkey

Result: I see no change in memory yet. But, from past experience, after letting it run (in the background) for about a week, it grew to 1.5g. Again, right now as I write this, it is sitting at constant 396m / 38 (as reported above). It was relaunched about 15min ago.

Comment #7

Posted on Apr 24, 2011 by Massive Bird

i have to add small cron job to restart if it goes beyond some threshold for time being until the fix is availble.

Comment #8

Posted on Sep 8, 2011 by Helpful Bird

I am also experiencing autokey-gtk using an enormous amount of memory after running overnight.

Distro: Ubuntu 11.04 (x86_64) autokey-gtk: - Version: 0.71.2 - Interface Type: X Record - Scripts: 4 hotkeys involving the super key.

Test: - Exit (quit) autokey-gtk and then re-launched it. - Starting memory usage was 17.6 MiB. - I locked the screen and let it sit overnight (~16 hours). - I unlocked the screen and autokey-gtk memory usage was 340.6 MiB.

Comment #9

Posted on Sep 22, 2011 by Swift Bird

I have not been able to duplicate this problem. Please test again using the upcoming v0.80.0 and advise if the problem is still occurring.

Status: WontFix

Type-Defect Priority-Medium