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autokey - issue #106

Feature Request: Use a lock file in initscript

Posted on Feb 28, 2011 by Massive Ox

Hi Chris,

If you remember, I had opened a request to include autokey in Fedora last October.

Here is the package review request : https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=643140

The lock file is one (of many) requirement to get the package approved.

I have attached two patches, one for daemon.py and other for the autokey init script, that implement this. Could you please go through them and if found acceptable, integrate them in the main tree?


Raghu Udiyar


Comment #1

Posted on Mar 1, 2011 by Swift Bird

I see... your patch removes some Debian-specific info from the init script. It would be better if we could have a separate init script that is used only for RPM builds and make the changes in there. I don't really know anything about RPM builds though so I have no idea how this would be accomplished.

Comment #2

Posted on Mar 1, 2011 by Massive Ox

I can do that. I'll maintain a fedora specific init script. But to implement the lockfile, daemon.py has to be changed as well.

Will it be possible to merge only the lockfile specific changes? Or is there a way to avoid making changes to daemon.py? Not sure if that is possible -- I have just started learning python :)

Comment #3

Posted on Mar 2, 2011 by Swift Bird

The changes to daemon.py look OK to me, although I'm not quite sure why there needs to be a separate lock file when there is already the PID file. Either way, I don't mind putting this into the master. Can you maintain it as a patch to the Fedora package for the time being? Otherwise I have to put out a release just for this, and to be honest the daemon is technically deprecated for X.org version 1.7.6 and above.

Comment #4

Posted on Mar 3, 2011 by Massive Ox

I didn't know the daemon is deprecated. For some reason I assumed a daemon needs to be running to trap the keys -- This makes it so much simpler now.

X.org is above version 1.7.6 on both F13 and F14. I'll simply remove the initscript all togather. No patches necessary :) Thanks.

Comment #5

Posted on Mar 31, 2011 by Swift Bird

Nothing further to do here.

Comment #6

Posted on Mar 31, 2011 by Swift Bird

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Status: WontFix

Type-Defect Priority-Medium