Pre-Flight Checkout
Before your first flight, it is very important that you follow this pre-flight checkout! Use the Configurator plots to visually view your multicopter response graphically.
The propellers should be taken off to prevent injury. Be careful! Spinning propellers can cause serious injury!!!
Arm the motor output by moving the throttle stick to the lower right. Increase the throttle to 50%.
By hand, roll the multicopter to the left. The left motor command should increase. The right motor command should decrease.
Roll the multicopter to the right. The right motor command should increase. The left motor command should decrease.
Pitch the multicopter down (the front motor should be lower in position than the rear motor). The front motor command should increase. The rear motor command should decrease.
Pitch the multicopter up (the front motor should be higher than the rear motor). The rear motor command should increase. The front motor command should decrease.
Rotate the multicopter clockwise. The front and rear motor commands should increase (assuming the motors are wired to rotate in the clockwise direction).
Rotate the multicopter counter-clockwise. The left and right motor commands should increase in value (assuming the motors are wired to rotate in the counter-clockwise direction).
Using the transmitter, move the roll stick to the left. The right motor command should increase. The left motor command should decrease.
Move the roll stick to the right. The left motor command should increase. The right motor command should decrease.
Move the pitch stick forward. The rear motor command should increase. The front motor command should decrease.
Move the pitch stick back. The front motor command should increase. The rear motor command should decrease.
Move the yaw stick to the left. The front and rear motor commands should increase.
Move the yaw stick to the right. The left and right motor commands should increase.
First flights
If you pass all pre-flight checks, you can connect propellers and start doing "Hand test" and first learning flights.