Online Universal Ardu Configurator
This is a really useful tool, that create a config.h file with all your personal settings. You will find it here.
Select your platform:
- Select your aiframe type and your flight mode.
- High Altitude Dectection uses a pressure sensor and it's built-in on the IMU Shield/Oilpan.
- Low Altitude Detection uses a Sonar. If you want to know how to install one, read this how-to
- Obstacle avoidance is not used with ArduPiratesNG at the moment.
informations about the camera shutter here
- informations about the battery alarm here
- informations about telemetry here
- informations about PID tuning during flight are here
After choosing all your settings and options, click on "Validate Options" and then "Generate Code"
The code is now generated and will be displayed like this:
You have now two options: * Copy and overwrite the code of your config.h file * Click on "Save Code" and follow instructions