The Apple Local and Push Notification Programming Guide, section "The Notification Payload" says that the child property of the alert property 'action-loc-key' can be a string or null. I will use 'null' because I only want to display a single OK button. This is not possible.
When I set alertNotification.Payload.Alert.ActionLocalizedKey = ""; or alertNotification.Payload.Alert.ActionLocalizedKey = null; the key in JSON payload does not appear.
Is this an isseau ? I think yes, but an easy fix would be alertNotification.Payload.Alert.ActionLocalizedKey = ""; and fix NotificationPayload.cs method 'ToJson()' Here check only this.Alert.ActionLocalizedKey == null and not string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Alert.ActionLocalizedKey)
This works fine for me and I get only the OK button in my app...
Comment #1
Posted on Feb 14, 2011 by Happy LionI'll look into this more.. May be a case that I didn't really dig into the spec from apple enough and haven't tried using it in this way...
Comment #2
Posted on Feb 14, 2011 by Happy Lion(No comment was entered for this change.)
Status: Accepted