First of all: Great work! I like your solution very much. Can you please tell me how i have to use the Feedback solution. I wondering why i get all theh time same output "Done. Cleaning up..." Nothing more. Can you explain me the workflow and how i have to use it?
Comment #1
Posted on May 26, 2010 by Happy LionCheck out the JdSoft.Apple.Apns.Feedback.Test project. It shows you how to use the FeedbackService Object. basically you wireup the Feedback event to listen for feedback objects which contain the timestamp and device token.
Are you listening to this event? Also, keep in mind the feedback service doesn't return anything if there's no feedback to report. Often you need to try and send notifications multiple times to a device token that has stopped accepting notifications for your app before Apple will have feedback for you for that device token.
Comment #2
Posted on May 26, 2010 by Massive DogIs there a workaround to reprocedure such feedback? Before i going to develop with this solution i will make sure that it works.
Also i try to add send a push from Your test code mostly workung... Only problem i have that often the first message will send but never comes to iphone. If i simple send again it comes.. any idea?
Comment #3
Posted on May 26, 2010 by Happy LionYou can uninstall the app on your test device, but continue sending notifications to the device token that the app created when you installed it and registered for receiving notifications. Send at least 3-5 notifications after uninstalling the app (and make sure your phone is set to globally receive notifications, and that it's connected to the internet by edge, 3g, or wifi before sending these). This should cause apple to create feedback for that device token when you run the FeedbackService again.
As for working from, there should be no problem or any difference as long as you have the right ports opened. So if the first notification isn't being 'sent', you need to be more specific. Do you have to send EVERY notification twice, or does this just happen the first time you try and send a notification, and subsequent ones are fine? Please make sure you have the latest release as well.
Comment #4
Posted on May 26, 2010 by Massive DogWhen i have to check feedback? After each sent notifigation or from time to time?
this just happen the first time you try and send a notification, and subsequent ones are fine. I use latest release
Comment #5
Posted on May 26, 2010 by Happy LionCheck feedback from time to time. Really you should still read the Apple documentation on push notifications, it describes how the Feedback service works, when you should check it, etc. Generally though, you may want to check every hour or so.
As for the first notification, there may be a race condition bug that still exists. I'll have to look closer, I think there's another issue about this that got closed I can reopen. Until that is fixed, a work around would be to just fire off a fake notification the first time.
Comment #6
Posted on May 26, 2010 by Massive DogOk i read it, thx.
Its very urgent for me. When did you think can you check it? How can isend a fake notification?
Comment #7
Posted on May 26, 2010 by Happy Lionyou could do some pseudo code like:
//Have a global variable for the application static bool sentFirstMessage = false;
//Now in your message sending logic: notificationConnection.QueueNotification(myNotificationObj);
if (!sentFirstMessage) //Check to see if we've sent a message already { //If not, send the same notification a second time notificationConnection.QueueNotification(myNotificationObj); //Be sure to flag that we've got passed the current 'bug' sentFirstMessage = true; }
Comment #8
Posted on May 26, 2010 by Massive DogThx, i try it.
Can you say any timeframe when you checking about this bug? I will really use this solution but this is very important to solve before.
Comment #9
Posted on May 26, 2010 by Happy LionConsidering there is a viable and easily implemented workaround for a bug that may be difficult to track down, I'm not in a rush to fix it.
Comment #10
Posted on May 26, 2010 by Happy LionFeel free to track down the bug yourself and post what you find fixes it. That's really the best way to go about this. Then I can incorporate your fix with the project.
Comment #11
Posted on May 26, 2010 by Massive DogIts very strange. If i test your test commandline app the first message will send but often not the 3th one. Using same logic in asp but without loop (send only 1 notification) then mostly first message dont comes iphone
Status: WontFix