android-thomson-key-solver - issue #62
Naming and Selecting Dictionary RouterKeygen_v3.dic
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.Tap Settings 2.Select Dictionary files 3.Tap on "RouterKeygen_v3.dic"
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? I see nothing, how I Know if the App takes correctly that dictionary?
What android version are you using? Use the latest version available before entering this bug report. 4.3 Jelly Bean on Galxy Nexus
Please provide any additional information below. I just want to know if there are some way to check if dictionary works ok. I mean, i'm all right whit all my procedure? Or I have to rename the dictionary file?
Thanks.. and greetings from México City.
Comment #1
Posted on Jul 26, 2013 by Quick DogIf it doesn't anything, it was selected correctly.
If you use the download dictionary option you can check if it was selected correctly.
Comment #2
Posted on Jul 27, 2013 by Helpful CatThank you very much. II really apreciate, that you toke time to answer
Comment #3
Posted on Apr 14, 2014 by Helpful HippoHi, I just downloaded the app and installed it on my phone. I also downloaded the Dictionary RouterKeygen.dic. Upon accessing the dictionary in the app Folder Select Dialog Box, I can not find or see the file though i know which folder it has been saved. My unit id cloudphone thrill 430d, OS: Icecream sandwich 4.0. Your responce is much appreciated,
Status: Done