
Android on Palm Pre

Let Palm Pre run Android

If you have a HP Veer, you may want to try Android on Veer

If you like git, you can git clone from here:

Kernel source code is available. Config for android-on-pre is omap_palmpre_defconfig.

Please repo the Android source code from I don't have any changes for it. Build it using "make TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT=armv7-a ARCH_ARM_HAVE_TLS_REGISTER=true"

Thank k3dar in for the following summary.

Port is in early stage... try it ONLY at YOUR risk !

Short info:

Curently is booted over USB from NFS share on Linux machine.

After boot, some aplications work, some not...

Short Status:

Working: Touchscreen(single-touch), Wifi(not always), Keyboard

Don't Work: Sound, Phone, BT, GPS, Sensors

Port Status with some Foto on project page: Port Status

Android buttons:

VolUp for MENU and VolDown for BACK

On Keyboard Q for BACK, W for MENU, E for HOME.

NOTE: This keys is blocked for typing character and on-screen keyboard must be used.

TODO List:

Download kernel and rootfs

Wiki TryAndroidNow


Q: What version of Android is used ?

A: AOSP, build info: full-eng AOSP OPENMASTER eng.xndcn.20110301.101713

Q: Touch any file/partition on Pre ?

A: No, all files is used over USB cable from PC

Q: Is possible unplug Pre from USB cable after Android is booted ?

A: No, all files is used over USB cable from PC

Q: Will be posible dual-boot ?

A: Sure.

Project Information

The project was created on Mar 6, 2011.

Android Palm Pre HP Veer