What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Use DateSlider Demo 2. Export Demo with proguard enabled
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? When the dialog should open, the app will crash
Using eclipse Indigo Android SDK rev 12
Comment #1
Posted on Nov 7, 2011 by Helpful CatI totally have pro guard so far! I will deal with it soon!
Comment #2
Posted on Nov 8, 2011 by Grumpy BirdNever mind, I figured it out myself The following proguard.cfg rules will solve the issue
-keep public class * extends com.googlecode.android.widgets.DateSlider.labeler.YearLabeler -keepclassmembers class com.googlecode.android.widgets.DateSlider.labeler.YearLabeler{ public (java.lang.String); } -keep public class * extends com.googlecode.android.widgets.DateSlider.labeler.MonthLabeler -keepclassmembers class com.googlecode.android.widgets.DateSlider.labeler.MonthLabeler{ public (java.lang.String); } -keep public class * extends com.googlecode.android.widgets.DateSlider.labeler.Labeler -keepclassmembers class com.googlecode.android.widgets.DateSlider.labeler.Labeler{ public (int, int); }
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