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andless - issue #86

Feature req: Adding Streaming Support

Posted on Apr 2, 2012 by Happy Rhino

Here's an interesting use case for you:

Say if you were running Android 2.2 (or even Gingerbread) and wanted to use andLess on your local network to stream flac files off of a shared folder. ES File Explorer can be used to browse the shared folder, but andLess does not seem to have intent support. It does not seem to be able to stream files when these files are chosen either. ES can copy the files and then you can play them locally through andLess, but it would be far more convenient to just stream them.

Comment #1

Posted on Apr 2, 2012 by Happy Rhino

EDIT: seems to be related to defect 78.

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium