First off, I just want to say I'm really enjoying this program. Nobody else seems interested in writing streaming apps for BlackBerry and I applaud you for doing so.
I've found on my Curve 9300 OS & Ampacheberry 0.2.2 it seems that the lowest volume in Ampacheberry is just a bit too loud for my taste when using earphones. The lowest volume setting in the built-in BlackBerry OS music player seems to go a bit lower and is more comfortable to listen to. It would be nice if there were a few more lower notches if that is possible.
Another nice addition might be a on-screen display which shows the currently set volume level. Also I've noticed that it will not save the volume level I set after exiting out of the program, so I have to lower it the next time I open it.
Comment #1
Posted on Mar 1, 2011 by Helpful CamelDoug - Thanks for the words of encouragement as well as some good ideas. I've always known the hearing/sound relationship is logarithmic, and I should have known to apply it in this situation. One might expect BlackBerry or Java to have it integrated into their API, but alas it is not as far as I can tell. I'll code this into the app so that the lower volume levels adjust more accurately. It also won't be too difficult to make the volume level persist across application restarts. When first creating the player, I wasn't really sure if I should implement such a feature, but after you mentioned using headphones, I can see how this feature would saves one's ears from abuse.
I'll take the on screen volume display into consideration, though it probably won't be very high up on the to-do list at this point in time. Even so, I appreciate the suggestion.
I'll try to get these changes completed fairly soon. It might take a few days, as my code-base is a little whacked out right now. I've been working on the option to cache/save songs to the SD card. I've made some progress, but that feature is still a ways off.
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