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File Summary + Labels Uploaded Size AeroQuad Configurator v2.0 - latest features include heading hold, spectrum analyzer and additional tools for inital setup of the AeroQuad. This is the link to the direct download from Google code.  Type-Installer  OpSys-Windows  Deprecated Oct 28, 2009 124.96MB
AeroQuadConfigurator_v2.0.htm AeroQuad Configurator v2.0 - latest features include heading hold, spectrum analyzer and additional tools for inital setup of the AeroQuad. There is a 100MB file limit with Google Code, please download this html file to get to the Configurator download link (  Type-Installer  OpSys-Windows  Deprecated Oct 25, 2009 17.71KB AeroQuad Flight Software v1.4 - latest version compatible with new features of the AeroQuad Configurator. Please carefully review the readme file before first flight.  Type-Source  OpSys-All  Deprecated Oct 25, 2009 101.81KB AeroQuad Configurator v1.3.2 - Implemented a more robust transmitter calibration, added auto-reconnect, extensive software architecture rework to make additional features easier to add in the future, more descriptive error handling  Deprecated  Type-Installer  OpSys-Windows Sep 17, 2009 80.3MB AeroQuad Flight Control Software v1.3.2 - This version provides additional communication messages for the Configurator to make the new calibration procedures more robust. New support added to allow Configurator to auto-reconnect to the AeroQuad (via USB or Wireless) for more convenience to the user. The Pin Change Interrupt (PCINT) code has been improved to work better for Futaba transmitters. The variable declaration section in the main AeroQuad.pde sketch has been organized into separate header files for easier maintainability into the future. The new default EEPROM values now include a suggested setting for yaw to allow a smoother yaw transition (in the past it would cause the quad to pop up and down a bit). The main loop is now organized into different timed loops, to make sure the sampling of the sensors and control algorithm execution are now performed at regular timed intervals (500Hz).  Deprecated  Type-Source  OpSys-All Sep 17, 2009 95.67KB AeroQuad Configurator v1.3.1 - Implemented transmitter calibration, ESC calibration and return of EEPROM to default values  Type-Installer  OpSys-Windows  Deprecated Sep 7, 2009 82.86MB AeroQuad Flight Control Software v1.3.1 - Fixed transmitter/receiver code logic, implemented transmitter calibration, ESC calibration, capability to update EEPROM to default  Deprecated  Type-Source  OpSys-All Sep 7, 2009 89.27KB AeroQuad Configurator v1.3 Beta - Implemented auto transmitter cal and return to default EEPROM values  Type-Installer  OpSys-Windows  Deprecated Sep 6, 2009 82.85MB AeroQuad Flight Control Software v1.3 Beta - Implemented auto transmitter cal and return to default EEPROM values  Type-Source  OpSys-All  Deprecated Sep 6, 2009 88.42KB AeroQuad Flight Control Software v1.2 - Compatible with Arduino Duemilanove. Spektrum, Futaba and Airtronics TX/RX tested. See read me file for version details.  Type-Source  OpSys-All  Deprecated Aug 18, 2009 87.8KB AeroQuad Flight Control Software v1.0.1 - Compatible with Arduino Mega/Duemilanove/Spektrum TX/RX  Type-Source  OpSys-All  Deprecated Jun 17, 2009 166.45KB AeroQuad Flight Control Software v1.1 - 400Hz ESC update rate, Compatible with Arduino Duemilanove, only Spektrum TX/RX tested  Type-Source  OpSys-All  Deprecated Jun 5, 2009 90.86KB AeroQuadConfigurator v1.2 - Combined all user defined parameters to single tab, Connect/Disconnect to quad via keyboard Up/Down arrows, Add tool tips for documentation of user defined fields, Removed unused receiver configuration code.  Type-Installer  OpSys-Windows  Deprecated Jun 5, 2009 82.51MB AeroQuad Configurator v1.1 - uninstall any previous MikroQuad Configurator installations, this release fixes missing file bugs  Deprecated  Type-Installer  OpSys-Windows Apr 27, 2009 82.52MB AeroQuad Flight Controller Software v1.0 - Compatible with Arduino 0015  Type-Source  OpSys-All  Deprecated Apr 25, 2009 88.13KB