
Android Wherigo client


Android client for Wherigo Geocaching game! Core based on OpenWIG client (well tested). Enjoy Wherigo hunt.

Time flow

7. 4. 2012

reasons: * low priority * low amount of free time

changes: * WhereYouGo now contain "only" core part of application (GPS and sensors handling), custom design, very nice GPS screen and Compass screen. Also translation to 19 languages remain of course in code! * removed mapping part shared with Locus (suggestion is to use Google API or MapsForge library) * removed rest of main shared code and some "know how" items

15. 9. 2011
  • version 0.6.0, last not-GPL version based on core of Locus
5. 2. 2011
  • since this time (version 0.5.0), active developing that go together with Locus developing
27. 4. 2010
  • personal meeting. Confirmation that WhereYouGo should not be GPL!
23. 4. 2010
  • first Android Market release (I already have a big part completed)
20. 4. 2010
  • contacting matejcik about idea of creating Wherigo client on Android

Project Information

The project was created on Apr 7, 2012.

Android Wherigo