
Web2py / Python application for Conference Registration and Management.

web2conf: registration + conference management system

NOTE: This project now has a new driver - Mariano Reingart

It includes the following enhancements to original web2conf: * Wiki (ReST) and Wyswyg HTML CMS with flatpages_pluging * Easier Registration (optionally no password required) * Social network login support (google, yahoo, twitter, facebook, etc.) * Navigation bar dynamic menu * Talk management improvements (author bio, embed video, etc.) * Ratings and user voting (preferences), feedback planned * Schedule and timetable (multiple rooms) & mmodal window * Sponsorship (logos) * Speakers page (photos, bio, etc) * Mailing (talk acceptance/rejection) & Confirmations * Conference brief (talk stats by level, category, speakers by country, etc.) * Slideshow, recent tweets and latest blog posts sections * Badge and attendance certificate generation (PDF) * Almost full internationalization (English, Spanish, etc.) * Capable of data import from former PyCon-Tech django-based systems (speakers, talks, sponsors, attendees) * Financial-Aid application, expenses and cash-flow financials * Manager interface for Settings, CRUD, mailing, etc. * Minor bugfixes

It was originally developed for PyCon US 2009 registration. Used also at PyCon 2010. The updated clone was used at least in the following events: * http://ar.pycon.org/2012 PyCon Argentina 2012 National Python Conference (Quilmes - Bs.As. - Argentina) * http://www.pgday.com.ar/buenosaires2012 : PostgreSQL Day 2012 Buenos Aires - Argentina * http://ar.pycon.org/2011 PyCon Argentina 2011 National Python Conference (Junin - Bs.As. - Argentina) * http://ar.pycon.org/2010 PyCon Argentina 2010 National Python Conference (Córdoba - Bs.As. - Argentina) -recovered from PyConTech Django-based- * http://ar.pycon.org/2009 PyCon Argentina 2009 National Python Conference (Bs.As. - Argentina) -recovered from PyConTech Django-based- * http://www.institutopascal.edu.ar/flisol2010 FLISOL (Latin American Free Software Install Fest) at Gonzalez Catan, Buenos Aires - Argentina * http://www.pyday.com.ar/rafaela2010 : Python Day 2010 Rafaela - Argentina * http://www.pyday.com.ar/buenosaires2010 Python Day 2010 Buenos Aires * http://www.ubucon.org.ar/2010 Ubuntu Conference 2011 -Buenos Aires - Argentina * http://www.pyday.com.ar/cordoba2011 Python Day 2011 Cordoba - Argentina * http://www.pyday.com.ar/catan2011 Python Day 2011 Gonzalez Catan - Buenos Aires - Argentina * http://www.pyday.com.ar/sanluis2011 Python Day 2011 San Luis - Argentina * http://cdcsol.unlux.com.ar/cdcsol2011 Free Software Talks - Lujan - Argentina

Major events that used or are using this software are: * https://us.pycon.org/2009/register/ PyCon US 2009/2010 registration (Chicago - USA) * http://www.jornadasregionales.org/jrsl2010v2 Free Software Regional International Conference 2010 (San Luis - Argentina) * http://www.jornadasregionales.org/jrsl2011 Free Software Regional International Conference 2011 (Salta - Argentina)


See also the http://code.google.com/p/conf2py/ project, a fork and rewrite by Massimo DiPierro.

Project Information

Conference Python web2py pycon pyday