
SVG parsing and rendering for Android

Vector Graphics Support for Android!

Please note: the latest source code for this project is now on Github:

This is a compact and straightforward library for parsing SVG files and rendering them in an Android Canvas. By using vector art, the pain of supporting various screen sizes and densities in Android can be reduced. This was the library used to render the artwork and the interface of Androidify.

The project also includes a Live Wallpaper app extracted from Androidify. The app shows off the SVG library, and demonstrates the rendering pipeline used to draw the Androids.

Simple To Use

Just place SVG files in the res/raw folder of your project, then load them as resources in your activity and work with them as objects or as drawables:

SVG svg = SVGParser.getSVGFromResource(getResources(), R.raw.filename); Picture picture = svg.getPicture(); Drawable drawable = svg.createPictureDrawable();

See the Tutorial for more information, SampleImages for more examples of what you can do, or the Javadocs for the complete API.

Release Notes

See here for the release notes.

Project Information

The project was created on May 4, 2011.

Android SVG Vector Images Java Library