The source code and graphics for the Stanisław Lem Google Doodle that ran on Google homepage in selected countries on November 23, 2011.
https://code.google.com/p/stanislaw-lem-google-doodle/source/browse/'>Browse the code
https://stanislaw-lem-google-doodle.googlecode.com/git/index.html'>The doodle running in this repository, with debug params (or http://www.google.com/logos/lem/'>the original doodle)
http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/doodles/lem/'>HTML5 Rocks article describing technical details of the doodle
Send feedback to: stanislaw-lem-google-doodle@googlegroups.com
License note
We are sharing the code of the doodle under the http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html'>Apache 2.0 License, but the images and animations accompanying the doodle under the http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/'>Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 License. The big difference between those two is that the first one allows commercial re-use, whereas the second one forbids it.
Debug URL parameters
Attach those URL parameters to the page to play with debug options:
https://stanislaw-lem-google-doodle.googlecode.com/git/index.html?doodle-debug'>?doodle-debug to enable debugging; adds debug keyboard shortcuts (see below) and you can also combine with any of the following:
https://stanislaw-lem-google-doodle.googlecode.com/git/index.html?doodle-debug&doodle-show-debug'>&doodle-show-debug to show debug panel
https://stanislaw-lem-google-doodle.googlecode.com/git/index.html?doodle-debug&doodle-show-clickable'>&doodle-show-clickable to show clickable areas
https://stanislaw-lem-google-doodle.googlecode.com/git/index.html?doodle-debug&doodle-force-dom'>&doodle-force-dom to force using DOM
https://stanislaw-lem-google-doodle.googlecode.com/git/index.html?doodle-debug&doodle-force-canvas'>&doodle-force-canvas to force using canvas
https://stanislaw-lem-google-doodle.googlecode.com/git/index.html?doodle-debug&doodle-first-run'>&doodle-first-run to pretend we’re running for the first time
- https://stanislaw-lem-google-doodle.googlecode.com/git/index.html?doodle-debug&doodle-half-run'>&doodle-half-run to pretend we’re running for the second time, but the first run was half-finished
- https://stanislaw-lem-google-doodle.googlecode.com/git/index.html?doodle-debug&doodle-second-run'>&doodle-second-run to pretend we’re running for the second time
https://stanislaw-lem-google-doodle.googlecode.com/git/index.html?doodle-debug&doodle-old-run'>&doodle-old-run to pretend we’re running for 99th time
&doodle-country=XX to run as a specific country (e.g. en, pl, de…)
Debug keyboard shortcuts: * Shift to fast forward * N to skip an interactive level (use only on interactive levels) * T to hit the target in level 3
Note: Debug keyboard shortcuts may result in various problems since they are not tested or validated in any way.
Project Information
The project was created on Dec 15, 2011.
- License: Other Open Source
- 45 stars
- git-based source control