
A GAP package for racks and quandles

Rig is a GAP package for computations related to racks, quandles, knots, virtual knots, Nichols algebras...


Latest stable version here (tar.gz), or here (zip), version 1.


  • Now Rig contains all indecomposable quandles of size <48! Check out the sequence A181771.


Racks and quandles
  • groups associated to finite racks and quandles
  • complete list of non-isomorphic indecomposable quandles of order < 48
  • rack and quandle homology
  • quandle colorings of knots
  • quandle 2-cocycle invariants of knots
  • Nelson's polynomials invariants
Nichols algebras
  • derivations
  • dimensions and relations for gbnp package
  • Indecomposable quandles of size <48
  • Planar diagrams for knots of <13 crossings (from Livingstone's website)
  • Planar diagrams for virtual knots up to <6 crossings (from Green's website)


  • L. Vendramin
  • M. Graña (retired)

Cite as

If you have used Rig in the preparation of a paper please cite it as:


You are welcome to contribute with code, patches, ideas, testing, wiki, comments, documentation. Click here to see the list of contributors.

Special thanks go to: W. E. Clark, D. Holt, A. Hulpke, A. Lochmann, G. Royle, M. Saito, D. Stanovsky.


Follow this link if you don't know how to install the package.

To load the package:

gap> LoadPackage("rig");

If you want to see some examples follow this link.


Here you will find many examples (constructions of racks and quandles, quandle 2-cocycles abelian extensions, quandle colorings and 2-cocyle invariants of knots, calculations related to Nichols algebras...


Here you can find a comprehensive list of references relevant to quandles and related topics (work in progress). Help me to improve this list!


Project Information

Mathematics Racks Quandles GAP Knots Virtualknots Nicholsalgebras Yetter-Drinfeld