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qualitas - RunningTheProject.wiki

Running the project

Starting servers and Qualitas components

To run the project execute the following commands:

  1. Start Qpid server by executing: $QPID_HOME/bin/qpid-server (Linux)
  2. Start ActiveMQ server by executing: $ACTIVEMQ_HOME/bin/activemq start (Linux)
  3. Run Qualitas web app. Qualitas web app will be available at: http://localhost:8080: mvn -f qualitas-webapp/pom.xml jetty:start
  4. Run installation Camel route: mvn -f qualitas-internal-installation-camel/pom.xml camel:run
  5. Run web service monitor Camel route (currently only stub which prints all incoming requests to the console). Qualitas Web Service Monitor will be available at: http://localhost:9292/QualitasExecutionMonitorService/QualitasExecutionMonitorWebService. mvn -f qualitas-internal-monitor-camel/pom.xml camel:run
  6. Run Apache ODE instance. Apache ODE will be now available at: http://localhost:9191/ode/: mvn -f qualitas-engines-ode-deployment/pom.xml clean jetty:deploy-war -P standalone

Running sample WS-BPEL process

To install, deploy, and run sample WS-BPEL process execute the following steps:

  1. Open Qualitas web app, log in using OpenID then upload the following business process: qualitas-internal-bpel-instrumentation/src/test/resources/XhGPWWhile.zip.
  2. Process will be installed and will be available at: http://localhost:9191/ode/processes/xhGPWWhile.
  3. Open soapUI or any other tool and call above process with the following SOAP request (mind the QualitasProcessInstanceId SOAP header): <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xhg="http://examples.bpel.nuntius.xh.org/xhGPWWhile.wsdl"> <soapenv:Header> <monitor:qualitasProcessInstanceId xmlns:monitor="http://qualitas.googlecode.com/internal/monitor/webservice">123</monitor:qualitasProcessInstanceId> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <xhg:buy> <xhg:companyName>IBM</xhg:companyName> <xhg:price>4</xhg:price> </xhg:buy> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
  4. Go to qualitas-internal-monitor-camel and watch the console.