Picturez makes it possible to edit, trim, convert and/or resize many pictures in one step. It works very memory space-saving and has a modern (MS Office2007-like) graphical user interface. It consists of two parts: 1. The picture converter 1. The picture editor
The advantage of Picturez is the very easy handling. You can convert or edit a picture just by right-clicking and using the Windows context menu. Also you can convert all pictures inside a folder by easy using the Windows context menu.
Take a look at the screenshots beneath.
In deutsch:
Das schlanke Programm Picturez ermöglicht das Beschneiden, Konvertieren und Anpassen der Bildgröße von mehreren Bildern gleichzeitig. Es arbeitet sehr speicherschonend und besitzt eine moderne Nutzeroberfläche (MS Office2007-ähnlich). Es besteht aus zwei Teilen:
- Der Bildkonverter
- Der Bildeditor
Der Vorteil von Picturez ist das sehr einfache Bedienen. Zum Umwandeln oder Bearbeiten von Bildern kann man einfach im Windows Explorer per Rechtsklick auf die Bilddatei klicken und das Windows-Kontextmenü nutzen. Sogar ganze Fotosammlungen in einem Ordner können per einfachen Rechtsklick auf das Verzeichnis konvertiert werden (siehe unten die Bilder).
The picture converter
http://picturez.googlecode.com/files/Picturez_edit_1.jpg' />
The picture editor
http://picturez.googlecode.com/files/Context_Convert01.png' />
Windows Context Menu for folders
http://picturez.googlecode.com/files/Context_Edit01.png' />
Windows Context Menu for image files
Version 2.2 (2012-12-09, Revision 81)- Picture editor (
) adapted to new GUI offsets of Windows 8.
control improved for wrong slider values and some wrong behaviors (Bug fixing ofArgumentOutOfRangeExceptions
- options.dat removed from installer, will be generated by first start.
- Improving HQ-resampling/resizing mechanism by using bicubic interpolation --> Prefiltering is performed to ensure high-quality shrinking.
- New images will be added to only one instance (via named pipe streaming and mutex)
- Changing from .Net2.0- to .Net3.5 framework (for using pipes and mutex).
- Some message boxes will be closed automatically after 3 sec.
- Language will be defined by windows system language now.
- Saving and loading of configurations (picture converter) as well as fastcuts (picture editor) via XML de-/seralization.
- GUI revised.
- Index tabbing (also reverse-tabbing) in GUI.
- Image rotation in picture editor added.
- Converting bug (all non-jpegs images will have 32 bpp pixel format) fixed.
- Nail.dll removed.
- Update bug (long holding time after start) fixed.
- Missing windows explorer context menu entries will be repaired now.
- AForge.Controls.dll will be removed. The
control is no part of AForge anymore. Now it is directly in Picturez.
- Nail.dll to v1.01 upgraded.
- Multiple instances of Picturez possible now.
- Bug 'Wrong image format after using "Edit with Picturez"' is fixed.
Therefore the image format before editing will be stored and after editing
restored. Main bug fixing was inAForge.Controls.ImageCut
- EXIF tags will stored now, also in Edit mode.
- Not automatically overwriting of the image after editing and cutting, now
user has to save manual -> by closing he will be warned, when image is not saved
- 'Save as...' function added.
- Documentation.doc added