Find Your Way to Oz is an interactive journey inspired by Sam Raimi's latest feature film, Oz The Great and Powerful. Built using advanced web technologies, this Chrome Experiment will take you through a dusty Kansas circus to the vibrant land of Oz. Take a look around - nothing is as it seems.
Have a look at the case study for more information http://www.html5rocks.com/tutorials/casestudies/oz/
This repository mirrors the active http://findyourwaytooz.com/ site and has been opened up with the Apache License 2.0 so that anyone can more easily look at the inner-workings of the project. This is meant to accompany the explanations on the tech page.
Find Your Way to Oz runs on Google AppEngine however the server files were removed from the repository. All other static files can be found in the following structure:
project/develop/coffee/: Contents the CoffeeScript source files of the website.
project/develop/less/: Contents the LESS source files.
project/develop/preview/: Contents the share pages sources
website/: The actual project that is visible when going to http://findyourwaytooz.com/
website/prototypes/: Probably the most exciting folder, containing all prototypes we’ve done to get to the final result
Project Information
The project was created on Feb 4, 2013.
- License: Apache License 2.0
- 22 stars
- git-based source control