Mutagen has moved to Bitbucket
HG Repo: https://bitbucket.org/lazka/mutagen
Bug Tracker: https://bitbucket.org/lazka/mutagen/issues
Downloads: https://bitbucket.org/lazka/mutagen/downloads
Documentation: https://mutagen.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/quod-libet-development
Transition info:
- Bug numbers on Bitbucket are the same as here
- For the time being the Bitbucket hg repo will be mirrored to the google code one
- In case you had commit rights here and want them on Bitbucket, pleas tell me (Christoph) your email/username there
To change the remote repo for existing mercurial clones:
- open '
' in the clone - change the URL for '
[paths] default
' to 'https://bitbucket.org/lazka/mutagen